Vibration Training Advice
The Industry, the Theory and Trainers Tips
Latest Articles
Industry failing the Obese, Disabled and Health Professionals?
Optimum Frequency for Training on Lineal Part 1
Why is Vibration Training taken so seriously in NZ ?
Lloyd Shaw's PTs guide to Vibration Training
Extra Force = Better Training Results
Myth- Buster Video - Vibration
"Gravity is everything" Myth-Buster Video
"Amplitude is everything" Myth-Buster Video
Articles 1 - 10
The Great Pivotal VS Lineal debate goes backwards
Why is Lineal Vibration so important to "aim" for in a Lineal machine
Understanding safety poses ... What exactly is "shearing"
Lineal or 3D?
Unbalanced training, Unbalanced marketing?
Vibration Training on a Cellular Level
The "Ups and Downs" of the studio concept
Why is the stable performance of a unit so important?
What can Vibration Training do for the Health Industry?
The Big Secret Lineal Companies Do Not Want You To Know
Articles 11 - 20
The Safety Program Explained
Vibration Training machines, 1 or 2 motors?
Innovation. What Vibra-Train represents
Vibration Training studio dimensions?
Fake specs. The true timeline of discovery.
A day with Lloyd Shaw
Fq x Amplitude = A limited equation
Engineering reports and Vibration Training experts?
"Amplitude is everything" Myth-Buster Video
Articles 21 - 30
"Gravity is everything" Myth-Buster Video
Myth- Buster Video - Vibration
Extra Force = Better Training Results
Lloyd Shaw's PTs guide to Vibration Training
Why is Vibration Training taken so seriously in NZ ?
Optimum Frequency for Training on Lineal Part 1
Industry failing the Obese, Disabled and Health Professionals?
Consumer Guide and Safety Program
Latest Articles
Lloyd Shaw's 6 years of nothing but Vibra-Train
IVTRB Changes Industry
What is a 'fake' machine ?
A High Jumper trials Vibration Training Part 1
Optimum Frequency for Training on Lineal - Part 2
Vibration Therapy and DVT
The Power Plate Scammers part 2
Lloyd Shaw's Logical guide to Vibration Training
Articles 1 - 10
Vibration Training and precise joint angles
The great "traditional exercise" scam
So how exactly does Vibration training help with cellulite?
The good and bad of positive research
How to act around a Vibration Training machine
New very clear categories of machine types
Stay still and don’t move. Easy, right?
Vibration Therapy VS Vibration Training
Why is buying a Vibration Platform just like buying a vehicle
The Importance of Posture and Placement
Articles 11 - 20
Opening a commercial premises?
Vibration Training and Flexibility?
Why is buying a true commercial product so important?
Do Different Machines Give Different Results?
Should I Contract my Muscles?
Can Vibration Training Damage My Brain?
Delayed Muscle Soreness and Vibration Training
Lactic Acid Build-Up and Vibration Training
Whole Body Vibration and Balancing Hormones
Articles 21 - 30
Lineal Design / Pivotal Design
The Truth Regarding Fat Loss
Vibration Training and Bone Density
Ripped off, your rights outlined here
The 4 main categories of Vibration Training poses
Your home machine and your neighbours
Why is the Vibration Training market so hard to understand?
Home use machines and celebrity endorsements, the truth
Thinking Of Opening Your Own Studio?
Vibration Training & Muscle Wasting Conditions
Articles 31 - 40
Vibration Training for Long Distance Runners – The Proof is in the Results
One Client's Experience with Vibration Training
Vibration Training: Foolish Fad or the Real Deal?
Taking It To the Next Level - An Elite Athlete Discovers Vibration Training
General Consumer Warning about Cheap Pivotals
Use up to 100% of your muscles, not just 40% ???
The Big Secret Lineal Companies Do Not Want You To Know
Vibration and bone density - One persons experience
The History of our Industry you need to know
Tucking Your Pelvis in During Squat Poses ?
Articles 41 - 50
Lloyd Shaw, who am I and why should you trust me?
Vibration Training and Pain Management
Vibration Training - not just about looking good
What makes the worlds #1 ?
Weight Loss, Resistance Training / Vibration Training for Woman
Why my Personal Trainer does not understand Vibration Training
Red Skin, Itchy Nose or Swollen Hands?
Why do people open a Vibration Training studio?
Headaches when Vibration Training. Reasons and Cures
Super Fatigue and why it sometimes feels so hard
Articles 51 - 60
Vibration Training Poster
Video of Mini Push-Up
The Power Plate Scam... part 1
Commerce Commission = Useless and lazy
Why do my jeans feel tighter?
Vibration Training & Cancer
High Quality Muscle and Fat Loss
Infomercial Fitness Instructor spills the beans
Body Composition Tests and Fat Loss
Articles 61 - 70
Going through the motions, The Safety Program further explained
Industry Wide Promoted Safety Program or Supervision?
Why eat before a Vibration Training workout?
Therapy Poses, Training Poses, Whats the difference?
What is the IVTRB ?
Pilates + Marketers = Disaster
No such thing as a bad machine.
Vibration Training and Infections
Articles 71 - 80
Lloyd Shaw's Logical guide to Vibration Training
The Power Plate Scammers part 2
Vibration Therapy and DVT
Optimum Frequency for Training on Lineal - Part 2
A High Jumper trials Vibration Training Part 1
What is a 'fake' machine ?
IVTRB Changes Industry
Lineal and Pivotal Safety Programs
Lineal Program
Pivotal Program
Machine Reviews
Where to use a machine
Where to buy a machine
Discussion Forum
Site Map
3 Rules to remember
1. Any Vibration
does not
= Vibration Training
2. Light Vibration = Therapy
3. Heavy Vibration = Training
The Blacklist
Lineal and Pivotal Safety Programs
Machine Reviews
Where to use a machine
Where to buy a machine
Discussion Forum
Vibration Training and Pain Management
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