And how it applies to my weight loss program.
To understand the massive differences in all the poses that can be done on a vibration training platform ( which number in the hundreds according to all the posters out there ) can seem like a daunting task. But the fact is the "principles" involved are very, very simple.
With any vibration platform you are only really dealing with some basic physics.....
(1) Speed of the platform ( usually measured in vibration per second = HZ ) .
(2) Amplitude of the platform. ( how far the platform moves in each vibration )
(3) Energy of the platform ( how much power is behind that vibration Note: Only applies to Lineal machines )
(4) How much you weigh
(5) Gravity
(6) Correct Posture creating tension in the muscles so all the above can work together. See here ........
It is common sense to anybody that has ever done any kind of workout, in or out of the gym, that the more weight behind a load , the harder your muscles have to work. In Vibration Training nothing about these principles change.
A "heavy" pose will always burn more energy than a "light" pose.
Eg... The basic squat...
In this position 100% of your body weight is used as the basic resistance factor. Your legs muscles being forced to work against the vibration and gravity ( which is of course trying to pull you straight down ) So being up over the top of your own weight is the "best" you can do.
Compare that with any pose where you have one foot on the ground and another on the machine, so only some of your body weight is behind the pose, and you will find they do not compare in intensity. The more weight behind any pose, the more of a workout it becomes.
In fact I would go so far as to say that anything below 30% of what you weight, in any pose should not be considered a workout position.
A classic example to really clarify this principle is the Kneeling Push-Up ( #2 in the Safety program ) as opposed to the Advanced Push-Up ( bottom left hand corner of the poster )
One of these things is not like the other... |
What's the difference? Weight and joint angles
In the Kneeling Push-Up only 30% of your body weight is put on your arms, where as in the Advanced Push-Up it is 70%. ( Over a 200% increase in workload between poses) . In face I would go so far as to say that anything below 30% of what you weight, in any pose should not be considered a workout position.
Now imagine of you knelt down quite far away from the machine, and just lightly put your hands on the plate while it vibrates them. You think that's going to burn any energy, of course not. Which is the reason why foot massagers have never helped with weight loss. Just coming into contact with vibration is not Vibration Training.
So how does that relate to results...
Well think about this, if you went to a Physio Therapist you would not expect to be put through a tough, weight loss workout. Why , because it is primarily about light precise movements to help bring back function from an injury or circulation. At least that is what I would say constitutes most peoples idea of Physio Therapy.
No-one I know of has ever gone to their Physio Therapist for weight loss or a serious workout.
But if you go to a personal trainer at the Gym you can bet they are going to be pushing you, and some "pressure" is going to be added to your body somewhere. At the gym they will probably use a weight, in Vibration Training we use your own body weight. But they have the same thing in common, the word "weight" is in there somewhere.
So in very simple terms, here are some guidelines anyone can follow .......
Almost no body weight being put into the pose = Simple therapy and stimulation
Significant body weight put into a position + correct posture = Vibration Training
Caution: Some marketers , salespeople and even some Physios will try to tell you there is no difference, all the poses do the same thing. Do not be bamboozled by their fancy explanations, use you own common sense and listen to your body. It will not lie to you.