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Lloyd Posted On:2010-01-16 20:06:00
Please note: I am not going to tell anyone how to build a machine. I have already written enough material on the basics. My advice is to go and read it. 
If you then come back and tell me you understand bio-mechanics, and how it relates to building a machine, then we can delve into it deeper.
And I have an idea for those questioning what it takes to build my machines. Go away and build a machine of similar quality.
When you have put your money were your mouth is, I will take you seriously.  I think that is fair.
Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train Posted On:2010-01-16 19:49:42
Any relevant questions will be left up, stupid dead end remarks or obvious marketing will be removed. I welcome discussions on the science and engineering of the machines.  
Don't get me wrong, Fit-Vibe produce a great machine and are a good company.  Read this
I wrote it and its not exactly anti-competetive is it. Please show me another manufacturer who writes material like that .
But if Fit-Vibe is the "best" that can be built ( absolutely no-one can build better ) , then why was I down at Slimmer's Edge in Auckland CBD only a few months ago, helping David try and fix his machines ? The motors were not going and the isolators had split and turned into paste. I had never seen anything like it.
I am only talking engineering here, not opinion or marketing. So if you can explain that to me, in engineering terms, I would be grateful.
DavidHussy .......    I import the motors and the Fq inverter.  Everything else is made right here in N.Z.
Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train Posted On:2010-01-16 19:30:19
I was the one that recommended Elite import the Fit-Vibe, and I have supported their sale all along, so sorry I do not understand your comments. What I did not support was Elite Fitness bringing in cheap Chinese junk. I am allowed to have my standards.
Note.... Both Vibro-Gym and Power Plate have MDD cert. They all go for it to boost sales.
My machines can not be compared to others on the market, and only a marketer would say otherwise. Everyone else wants to produce one for a certain price, because they have a retail price already in mind. So they can not just build the best machine they can, they build the best machine they can on a budget.
My smallest machine actually cost more than 12k to build.  I do not even add my own labor to the final bill. But you have to realize it is made in a special way that follows my theories on bio-mechanics. So it can do exactly what I want and last the lifetime of the business. And so far with every machine I have ever built still is working ( even my prototype ).
 No other company in the world can make that claim, so I think I have been proven right.    
It was Power Plate that was buying machines for $800 off the Chinese and selling them for $18,000 . They were also putting "Made in Holland" stickers on the back to fool people. This is no secret to those in the industry.
Di Heap Posted On:2010-01-16 19:19:03

A note to AL

You said a guy at Elite Fitness said they were going to release commercial machines to studios under the name “Vibe with a plus sign after it”.

That’s NOT going to happen!  I own the TradeMark for VibePlus

Di Heap Posted On:2010-01-16 18:26:46

Winston, I love free-weights but rarely use them (motivation and time).  For Vibration Training to be as good as free weights you need a high quality lineal machine (I’m starting to feel like I’m repeating myself).  Vibra-Train does have advantage over other brands by having a machine with side handle-bars so we can do full body tricep dips (the handlebars vibrate and only toes on base platform for support for females, males totally suspended);  bicep curls (for only few customers who are accustomed to such exercise), regular pullup using handlebars and more.  These are NOT part of the standard Safety Program for all customers.  They are extras that a person must earn the right to do – that is, they can prove they can do the standard safety program perfectly.

The way most people use free-weights (a few bicep curls) any old vibration machine that allows for a tricep dip and plank would equal BUT I have taken you seriously and for many people weights are better as they don’t have access to machines that give the same results.  Again, I’m asking, have you even tried a good machine?

Vibration Training (in general) is NOT set up as a replacement for weights or other exercise.  It can be that for people who don’t want to use a gym or free-weights, or can’t due to injury.  It can be an adjunct to your regular workout program and as such it is the “icing on the cake” and we see people coming top in their chosen sports events.  It’s also very time efficient and needs no special clothing or a shower afterwards so we see people who prefer it to the gym. 

The post asking about costs wont be deleted. Lloyd is straight up. Hell reply

Di Heap Posted On:2010-01-16 17:38:22

herin lies the problem as i see it. On your videos you admit that home gym machines are ok  people go to a gym as who can afford so many machines right
a vibe studio has just that one machine which wont do as much as free weights etc

Al, you wrote the above.  Have you ever used a Vibra-Train brand or other high force Vibration machine?  I’m laughing at the comment that it wont do as much as free weights.  Come into the City Studio and I promise to send you away exhausted and prove you wrong.  (I have nothing against free weights)

Some home machines are okay.  A person who does their homework first and asks lots of questions of salespeople, and has the money for a “better” machine, might buy something that is okay.  Useful for starting off in vibration (therapy more than real exercise), okay for someone who is obese or unfit; okay for sports people as a warm-up and cool-down.  Most people will quickly plateau on even a “better” home machine or in the case of a cheapo pivotal, it will soon become another piece of ‘as seen on tv” junk taking up room in the back shed or on TradeMe for re-sale.

Di Heap Posted On:2010-01-16 17:22:12

I’ve been involved with Vibra-Train for three years; long enough to see heavy metal hulls, top quality motors, metal handlebars, all of which weigh a ton (figuratively of course but I can’t even think of moving them).  These parts cost heaps.  Also control units with electronics.  What do you want?  A breakdown of proof of costs? 

I’m unsure of the motives of some people here apart from slinging off at Lloyd because he’s been arrogant enough to do things the “Kiwi way” – and build a better machine than big commercial companies could provide.  Better = higher results for the consumer;  machines that don’t break down so full up-time for studio owners etc

Di Heap Posted On:2010-01-16 17:11:06

Read this article and if you want more information contact Lloyd directly.  He has a purchase order showing prices.  He will always back up everything he says with proof.

Al, I edited the videos (to remove some session pricing info relevant to N.Z. only).  I don’t know where Lloyd says 80 and 80000, will re-watch later and see if I can find it.

Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train Posted On:2010-01-16 15:04:27
I have been up against  ........
 Power Plate-- ( world largest retailer )
 Vibex         --- ( backed by Fitness N.Z. )
 Vibra-Gym  --- ( independents )
 Elite-Fitness --- Rocket Fitness
 Nemes  ---------- ( independent )
I actually want good competition because it helps everybody. Only an idiot wants a monopoly but I want to be part of an industry I can be proud of, not ashamed of.
VibrationGuy Posted On:2010-01-16 14:58:02



please get back in touchwe can resolve your problem no issue. If you start blabbing online then we will walk away. The 600 excess was explained upfront and is due to the labour involved. You actually bought the machine from an old company I was a director of so legally i have no obligation. speak to you soonleave me a message ill be back in NZ in 4 weeks after my honeymoon

Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train Posted On:2010-01-16 14:47:30
And besides , my motto is .....    Try Before You buy ---- Never believe the salesperson.
Does that sound like the advice someone with an ulterior motive would say ? No its when someone does not recommend you do that, that a flag should go up.
In my market,  I used to actually send people down to Power Plate to compare systems. Do you think Power Plate had the conviction to do that ?
I am also open about who I am, using my real name and not obviously a salesperson trying to drum up business. People are not stupid.
Al Posted On:2010-01-16 14:43:54

Is that correct Lloyd. Id watch that as the guy told me they will be supplying commercial stuff for vibe studios this year. vibe with a plus sign i think. Check it out.

Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train Posted On:2010-01-16 14:29:07
I think you will find that peoples biggest fear is people will see their fat wobbling. But that only happens on the cheap Pivotals ( like the ones you see on T.V. )
At least with Lineals , which most studios use, and companies like Elite sell versions of, you can not even see the person moving. But yes if you don't like working out in public then you would feel uncomfortable.
Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train Posted On:2010-01-16 14:13:39
Check out the visual review here so you can tell us what type of machine it is you want.
Then we will try to find something for you.
Glenda Posted On:2010-01-16 14:01:33

Can anyone please let me know where to buy a trainer from. I can afford up to  800 dollars,any comments on a good brand or where to buy from would be good. Regards Glenda

Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train Posted On:2010-01-16 13:52:08
The top buys for Lineal machines, in this order are...
Second hand Vibro-Gym  ( no comparison )
Fit-Vibe ( Elite fitness ) 
Power Plate Pro and other larger plastic units
Small home machines
The only reason you can even get second hand Vibro-Gyms in N.Z. and not elsewhere is because we imported tons of them and then brought out a larger model. Everywhere else in the world it is still the best you can buy.
Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train Posted On:2010-01-16 12:59:12
In all my years I have never gone after someone that didn't deserve it and I do research situations. And I have gotten peoples money back or managed to help them. I do not mind people checking on my reputation, and I stand by it.
So yes I might be the last option, and not the most PC, but at least people have that option. 
Tom Posted On:2010-01-16 12:45:05


Arent you jumping the gun on this. You havent had all the facts yet you want to expose someone. Calm down fella. Amanda my advice would be to work with the vendor first name and shaming is a last resort. Google Lloyd Shaw just so you know what youre getting yourself into. Involve him at this stage and you can kiss your resolution goodbye..why because Lloyd will shoot his mouth off as he always does. Try and resolve it and contact Lloyd when you feel youve exhausted all other options.

Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train Posted On:2010-01-16 12:16:12
I have a studio in Pukekohe so I don't mind coming out.
That's just not right girl, he needs to be exposed or he will do it to others.  
amanda Posted On:2010-01-16 12:00:10

It was sold to me as a Vibration Train machine. It is at work in storage. ill contact you later. Its in Pukekohe so not sure if you want to come out but thanks for the offer. The vendor points out i agreed to pay an excess on any warranty claim of 600 dollars so ive also sunk that as well and apparently parts must come from Germany to fix it. He has suggested i simply buy a new machine at half price which he said is his costi guess that is life and lessoned learnt

Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train Posted On:2010-01-16 11:40:54
$4000 bucks ?  Can you please confirm the name of the machine again. Because I have never heard of that brand and am unaware it is made in N.Z.  Did they have a website ?
Note: He can not sell actual "Vibra-Trains" because I do not sell them.  
You must understand there are allot of shady people in our industry at the moment making off peoples confusion. Where are you based because if i can I will look at it and see if I can fix it for you ( no charge ) 
Allan...  Nice to know. I must be missing something..
Amanda Posted On:2010-01-16 10:59:24

Im still negotiating to get my money back so wont say who. I paid 4000 and it broke down the first week I had it. It is branded Vibra motion. Made in NZ. The guy sells all sorts of gear not just Vibra Train machines but its left a very bad taste in my mouthim just spreading the word that these machines are shit.

Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train Posted On:2010-01-16 10:01:21
The point was simple  " I have a PHD so I am smarter than you " will not wash here, we want proof.  This industry is being built not by the academics but people who are at level 6. Of course academics don't like it, because it puts them in their place.
I have openly been given flak for " only being a mortician " but have managed to innovate in 2 separate industries ranging in subjects from chemistry, physics to physiology. That busts apart the myth you need a PHD or go to Uni to be "smart".  We just want the readers to understand that when they see academic articles on Vibration Training all they are doing is regurgitating other peoples work.
Perfect Eg......  The new study John has mentioned .   
" Analysis of ES demonstrated that the type of vibration platform employed is a moderator of the treatment effect of vibration on strength development."
Have you any idea how many wasted studies, time and money there has been because the academics all thought that anything that vibrated was Vibration Training. This is real basic physics and logic, not rocket science, and the info was freely available to them. But they ignored it because it wasn't one of their own that was teaching it. The height of arrogance and has actually held our industry back. 

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”

Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 - 1860)

Amanda Posted On:2010-01-16 09:30:21

I have a problem with a Vibrer trim device purchased on Trademe what the hell should i do about it. It packed up after 4 months and the MF who sold it to me wont give me my coin back...dang

John Posted On:2010-01-16 06:18:46

A very interesting abstract from work by Marin and Rhea published in JSCR can be read at, click on PubMed, and type in vibration exercise as search terms.  It is the second one that comes up right now.  They talk about differences in platforms which is something Lloyd has been preaching ever since I have been in contact with him and say vibration training can be good for chronic strength gains.

John Weatherly

PhilippaChurch Posted On:2010-01-16 01:41:59

Thought you all might like to read widely regarded amendment to Blooms Taxonomy of Learning by Anderson and Krathwohl 2001.  This is generally believed to have superceeded Blooms.  The hierachy of skills with the first being the least skilled and the last being the most developed is as follows.







As you can see creating new work based on all the factors below number 6 is seen as the highest order skill.  Many academics only often get as far as 1 and 2. 

Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train Posted On:2010-01-16 01:08:15
Classic example...
" I have a PHD in sports medicine "  ....    So you can read,, you are one of the many .
That's all great but I will only be impressed when I am shown some original work. Something that moves the science forward. Not just a copy of an already tested idea, I am only impressed by innovation. Why because I am a better Mortician than the person who taught me, because I knew it could be done better. 
And I built the first High Energy Lineal platform, because I knew the job was not finished.
I have a saying .....
    " If you only want to be as good as your teacher, you are not aiming high enough"  
Di Heap Posted On:2010-01-16 00:47:59


Thank you, Lloyd.

Academics – my son will begin his PhD in 3 weeks time.  I am not unfamiliar with the way certification is paraded as wisdom – quite simply, it makes me sick.


sonia Posted On:2010-01-16 00:24:44

  I have a PHD in sports medicine

What are all you qualifications

Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train Posted On:2010-01-15 23:49:28
Jack Dreyfus...
No science can not fully explain it, and my work is original theory, not copied from someone else. You would be surprised at how much has not been studied about involuntary reflexes. I stand by the work I have done, and do not mind being judged by it as long as someone has the grace to examine my work properly. 
I cant ask for advice or help so its not like riding on the back of a pre-existing industry, because the people before me failed badly in my opinion. I was never going to be satisfied following their work. I cant do a course to build a new type of machine or write what has not been written before. Not complaining, just pointing out its the toughest thing anyone can do and you have to be prepared for ridicule. People hate change and things they do not understand.
When I first started, everyone said we were mad, now only a few do. So we will win eventually.
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