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John Posted On:2010-01-15 05:39:49

I want to respond to a question about my identity.  I am not currently involved in academia.  I do know many researchers and was a research assistant to former U.S. Olympic Committee Head of Sports Physiology Dr. Mike Stone.  I have a graduate degree in exercise science and have published articles with the NSCA in the past, written advertising articles with legendary performance specialist Mark Verstegen when I consulted with an exercise company in 03 and 04, etc.  I had a long family illness prior to that.  You may want to google John Weatherly and Mark Verstegen.


John Weatherly

Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train Posted On:2010-01-14 22:35:17
Because we do not operate out of fear, and by facing every opponent we learn how to handle different situations. We have been doing this for over 3 years and ran the worlds #1 site so we got to see the good, bad and the ugly of our industry. If we wish to protect the consumer and have an honest industry, it has to be done.
Tina Posted On:2010-01-14 22:02:53

 I was just sent this link by text so had to have a look. Having said what you just did,why do you open yourself up to a pulic forum

PhilippaChurch Posted On:2010-01-14 19:34:48

To the David using a fake name that has now been deleted..

I think you have been seriously misinformed somewhere along the line.  I have had dealings with Lloyd now for 18 months, the first year in a purely advisory capacity.  When I was looking for machines to set up a studio Lloyds advice was nothing but honest, unbiased and altruisitic.  I spoke to a number of other people who have had dealings with him and all said the same. 

As a result 6 months ago, SOLELY based on the  now implicit  trust I have for Lloyd we set up with Vibratrain machines.  Lloyd continues to work with us in the same way.

What I am saying here us that his conduct is not affected by whether or not you are affiliated to him.  His approach was fair, generous  and honest before we had anything to do with Vibratrain.

Yes you will find Lloyd is like a terrier, or maybe even rotweiler, in his defense of the industry but I have never know or heard of this being done by underhand methods and this certainly does not accord with his character.

Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train Posted On:2010-01-14 15:40:55
See this is why it is important that people ALWAYS use their real full name.....
John is John Weatherly, a U.S. based academic. You can Google him if you wish and I am sure he will jump on and state his position in all of this.
It is my opinion that if people can Google each other and confirm a persons ID, location and interests it helps with trust. As we are discussing such an important issue as peoples health, I think everyone would agree full disclosure is the only policy to have.
DebPelletier Posted On:2010-01-14 13:54:22

Attn Tom. I take offense to your uneducated comment. In my opinion you have one of 2 agendas. 1.You are on are Blacklist disguising yourself in an effort to cause waves and discredit Lloyd. 2. You are too lazy to do your own homework and get on a real machine. Depending on where you are located, you may not have REAL machines around nor REAL training. Above all you obviously have spent no time reading thru this site. I am a Studio Owner and ALL of my clients would disagree with you. Man up, and we will embrace you...hide and you will never know what you are missing.

Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train Posted On:2010-01-14 12:51:12
Imperative reading for everybody...........
Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train Posted On:2010-01-14 12:42:15
A note to everybody.
Using your full name is a good idea if you want to be taken seriously and appear to have conviction in your statements.
 For general questions by the consumer and medical issues this is not really needed, but when either attacking or defending our industry I believe it is imperative full disclosure is given. Any positive or negative statements will only remain up if accompanied by your first and last name, and we can confirm you are a real person.
Note... We have 2 Toms on the board already.
In any converstation about honestly and ethics hiding behind a pseudonym is an oxy-moron. 
Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train Posted On:2010-01-14 12:16:49
Talk the talk eh Tom ?
So have you done High Energy Lineal training yourself. Or are you just projecting your inability to understand something on us.  I challenge you to come and try it, we will video you and put it up on youtube no matter what the outcome. If you step off the machine and say " it did nothing" you score a massive point for your argument. Deal ? 
So you going to front up and put your money were your mouth is ?
 ( my guess is he will run away like every other challenge put to our skeptics, these guys have no conviction ) 
Note; The U.S. Olympic swim team and the Chinese Gymnastic team are the 2 best examples of athletes taking this technology seriously.  
tom Posted On:2010-01-14 11:31:44

God you talk a load of rubbish on this site, everybody knows it doesnt work. If its so good name some famous sports people who uses this type of training lloyd . put some good proof up instead of just talking the  talk . Its the old story,go on about nothing enough then fools beleive anything. You should be in car sales or politics.  

Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train Posted On:2010-01-11 12:08:33
Seeing as we know how "keeping up appearances "  is so important for a company like Power Plate ( as with all confidence artists ) it is very telling. Especially if 2 others were there .
I am hoping more trainers and academics are realizing they are not the #1 company, and are just a mid-range product with lots of false claims and fancy marketing. I must admit I have been VERY surprised at who was taken in by them.  I can not wait until we arrive on the scene and open some eyes and minds to what Vibration Training really is. 
John Posted On:2010-01-10 06:28:43

Good news for all of us who value ethical behavior in the exercise industry.  A friend who is attending the NSCA Sport Specific Conference in Orlando said Power Plate did not even show up as an exhibitor at the conference.  However, there were two vibration companies I am familiar with at the conference as exhibitors.  Power Plate is in financial trouble, running scared, or both.  Power Plate is a  company built on deceit.  The last lie, just one of many, about them having a Power Plate Research Center when it does not exist, should be enough to make academics think twice about ever doing research on equipment from such a dodgy company.  We need research on other equipment such as that made by Lloyd.  I have informed some academics in the U.S. about this.

Keep up the great work folks and we will rid the exercise industry of this evil culture of Power Plate deceit.

John Weatherly

Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train Posted On:2010-01-09 18:40:10
Short answer: I would say the risks outweigh the benefits, as you are actually throwing an unset mass from side-to-side.  Because unless you  superglued a vest to someone you are going to end up going one direction, while the added mass is still going the other.

The lag in the movement would create shearing somewhere.  
Gabriel Posted On:2010-01-09 17:21:03

Thank you for your responses Lloyd. Both very clear and concise explanations. Things are picking up here in the states and I find myself constantly having to explain the differences between the vibraflex and the other pivotals, proelixe, Noblerex etc.

Curious as to how you feel about increasing mass with additional weight on the pivotal

what benefits do you see being achieved




Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train Posted On:2010-01-09 16:32:36
To answer your question about Pivotal units losing speed, this is much less likely than a Lineal.
The reason being is on a Pivotal as one foot comes up the other drives down ( almost like a see-saw ) . This divides not only the g-forces acting on the opposing leg by half, but also takes load off the drive system. In fact the machine only has to have enough power to tilt a quarter a persons body weight ( not lift entirely as in Lineal ) for it to not lose speed. So it would take a really crappy system to fail on that count.
But there is a huge difference to just tilting, and tilting with power and acceleration. As you have now discovered.
I will be writing alot more on this in the future. So people understand why I have added inertia into the equation. 
Di Heap Posted On:2010-01-09 16:24:09

Lloyd’s yells of “Get down lower”, “The sign over the door says Vibra-Train not Vibra-Massage”, and “Don’t you dare fail, no, you’re not going to die”, really do not help the flow of “nice”, informational movies..

BUT, I’m hoping for a better look (bring on the 6-pack abs) and some proper yelling instruction in the next series to be launched soon.  And of course all are welcome to visit and experience a “hands on” vibra-training session for themselves.   

Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train Posted On:2010-01-09 16:14:53
You simply can not compare Vibra-Flex/Galileo to a unit like the K1 . The gearing system and drive are miles apart.
Even the smallest home unit Vibra-Flex make is better than the closest pivotal Pro competition.

And as you have deduced, the g-forces on paper never compare to a trial and perceived exertion test. It is a shame Galileo are not more open to working with me on educating people about their side of the industry, and the pit-falls. But as long as they are out there telling people Pivotal is everything, and trash talking Lineal. They are on their own and fighting a losing battle against cheap copies.      
Gabriel Posted On:2010-01-09 14:58:03

When comparing the Noblerex to the Vibraflex, there is a major difference in their max acceleration. The Noblerex max is 4Gs while the vibraflex is 16Gs...on the 450 the perimeter. I understand that the G force is grossly exaggerated as an indicator of the performance of the machine, but would you agree that the muscular response would be much greater with a machine delivering a higher rate of acceleration...question mark. It seems that this would make sense from a physics standpoint.

Do you think the Noblerex would maintain it specs with a heavier individual...question mark.




Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train Posted On:2010-01-09 11:26:40
For the price the K1 is a decent Home / Pro unit.
They have a very low if non-existent breakdown rate.
Regarding the video,...  They cut the strip tease and hand-to-hand combat section from the series. They said it "didnt flow". But what would those arty types know. 
Gabriel Posted On:2010-01-09 04:39:05

Hi Lloyd,

I need an unbiased answer to a question.

What is the quality level of the  Noblerex K1.

I like the videos by the way. If only you could have yelled a little bit...then I would have had the full experience...just a joke.



Thanks for monitoring the pubmed research.That obesity study was interesting.


John Posted On:2010-01-07 13:52:02

And here is a very interesting report by Vissers et al. that was in the Physician and Sportsmedicine.  WBV increased oxygen consumption in obese and overweight women compared to exercises without vibration.  Go to, click on PubMed, and type in vibration exercise as search terms to read the abstract.

John Weatherly

John Posted On:2010-01-07 12:21:14

That is good to know Lloyd.  And I like your videos.  I noticed you tell the truth saying there is no such thing as cellulite, how vibration training is hard work, etc.

John Weatherly

Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train Posted On:2010-01-07 11:35:57

Dont worry John, nothing is forgiven or forgotten.


Every single thing they have ever done will be exposed to the public all in due course. But timing is everything. 

John Posted On:2010-01-07 06:00:44

I checked in with Dr. Jeff McBride yesterday.  McBride wrote a short summary on vibration training for the NSCA a while back.  He is a professor and colleague of Dr. David Nieman at Appalachian State.  Dr. Nieman is a member of the Power Plate Scientific Advisory Board.  Some of you may recall I reported on this after speaking with Dr. McBride last summer on the site before Peter Davis bought the site.  This site has just been sitting there since Davis bought it.  I have an inkling Davis bought the site to keep Lloyd and others quiet as the site was getting quite popular.

Anyway, McBride said the same thing he told me last summer.  He does not see vibration training as doing anything that normal strength training does not already do.  In regard to Dr. Nieman being listed on the Power Plate Advisory Board what happened was Power Plate gave them money to do a couple studies and in return Nieman let them use his name on the Advisory Board.  McBride, in contrast to what Power Plate says on their website under the Dr. Nieman listing for their Advisory Board, says there is not any Power Plate Research Center at Appalachian State nor are there plans for he or Nieman to do any more studies on Power Plate.  So, Power Plate is still up to their lies.  It is clear this company has a culture of deceit.  They are misleading the public on their website again.  I have caught them lying multiple times myself over the last two or three years.

John Weatherly


Di Heap Posted On:2010-01-06 01:11:05

We have to keep in mind that the internet is available to just about everyone and there’s no restriction on who can write up articles on many websites.  I’ve watched over two years and I believe many “current trends” articles are written solely to gain English Language writing skills.  Two I recently found; the writer has poor writing skills, no experience of, and poor research of Vibration Training.

This does not; of course excuse those who claim to be Fitness Gurus or knowledgeable about exercise equipment and methods - like the link posted below - but then are lazy in their research, posting articles with errors yet expecting their followers to praise them.  They are the ones I will strongly oppose.

Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train Posted On:2010-01-05 11:34:43
The mere fact they are still concentrating on Fq and Amplitude means they are still suckers to marketing.
I have said it before, and will say it again. These academics who are too lazy to do their homework before their research only hold our industry back. 
John Posted On:2010-01-05 05:44:54

Another interesting study by Cook et al. in JSCR looking at amplitudes and frequencies for WBV is at, click on PubMed, and type in vibration exercise as search terms.  As more research is done by the academics, things will gradually get sorted out.   The problem is this takes time.  I have felt for some time that Lloyd is ahead of the curve.

John Weatherly

Tom Posted On:2010-01-03 14:03:28

Marry Christmas and Happy New Year to all you...

Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train Posted On:2010-01-01 13:45:30
Here's to a good 2010 for our industry and all its ethical players.
We still have so much work ahead of us and I know it seems daunting. But by helping each other unselfishly and working towards common goals, we can mold this industry into something not only very successful, but something we can all be proud of.
Heads down, asses up. Work hard and enjoy the rewards.
John Posted On:2009-12-27 09:22:53

A recent study by Humphries et al. in Aviat Space Environ Med 2009 Dec indicates WBV may help women increase bone deposition, decrease bone resorption and may also be important for young women to develop peak bone mass thus helping negate the possibilty of osteoporosis later in life.  The abstract is at, click on PubMed, and type in vibration exercise as search words.

John Weatherly

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