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Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train |
Posted On:2009-12-20 15:12:38
Safety Push-Up for Pivotal Platforms
(a) Get a mat the same height as the platform.
(b) Place it along side ( not in front ) of the platform.
(c) Go into the standard pose, but with one arm on the platform, the other on the mat.
This position has a few advantages over the standard pose....
(a) The amplitude of the arms/pec being worked out can be adjusted easily.
(c) You are no longer constrained by the dimension of the platform, so you can go as far apart as needed to properly engage the pecs.
(d) It greatly decreases the side-to-side movement of the neck. Not only making it feel more comfortable, but actually safer.
Gabriel |
Posted On:2009-12-20 14:57:30
I was wondering if you had any input for me. I am working through the safety program on the vibraflex and am bumping into a slight snag with the pushup. The need to utilize a wider hand position is pushing into amplitudes that are very difficult for my patients and clients with limited strength to hold. The narrow grip, which is much more tolerable works well but is less anatomically desireable for targeting the pecs as they are shortened. I have built an accessory that utilizes a wide plank and two low profile feet set at position 2. This seems to work well, but requires rather thick matting on the feet to stay in place at higher frequencies. This, obviously, dampens the vibration. I recall you mentioning some ideas you had thought up for the upper body positions on pivotal and was curious whether or not you would care to elaborate.
Happy Holidays Everyone.
Tom |
Posted On:2009-12-20 12:56:59
Thanks :)
PhilippaChurch |
Posted On:2009-12-20 06:25:47
Good Luck Tom. :-)
Tom |
Posted On:2009-12-19 10:22:33
By the way about the TZone. Driving to my Chiropractor today I heard a radio commercial (they're pretty active on the radio) about wining free workout coupons (or something like that missed the beginning) and their motto at the end of the announcement. Getting an hour workout in 10 min. What a load.
Tom |
Posted On:2009-12-19 10:19:23
Thanks Lloyd,
I know I'm asking for impossible comparisons. Martin from Bodyshaker got back to me. However the disadvantage of being so far away from their factory, exchange, shipping, duty and taxes... puts the Bodyshaker about 1.5K CDN more expensive then Wave. Which is local to Canada. So I'm going with the Wave.
Also I spoke with my Chiropractor and showed him the safety program printout. He said because of my condition where the disk is protruding in the center and in the back of the spine cord he would stay away from any exercises that puts undo pressure on my back while leaning forward (he used more fancy terms, this is my explanation). So that translated to staying away from stretch 6, Shoulder Press.
Thank you so much for all the help and time you've taken to answer my questions. I might bug you in the future once I get my machine and progress. I'll monitor the discussion board ;)
Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train |
Posted On:2009-12-19 09:06:30
Why does this industry get more than its fair share of A-holes. They must constantly be on the look out for new things and confusion, so they can sneak in and make some money.
DebPelletier |
Posted On:2009-12-19 08:39:07
My apologies, it was not Dan Fivey, Connelly.
DebPelletier |
Posted On:2009-12-19 05:33:27
Your suspicions are correct Lloyd. We are helping a Studio get set up in St.Johns and he had correspondence with Fivey are recently as this summer out in Eastern Canada. We advised him to steet clear and he ended up going with the Wave.
Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train |
Posted On:2009-12-18 18:39:46
Body-Shaker VS Wave
6 of 1, half a dozen of another. If you take a look at them you will see they are both good but so dis-similar as to not be easily comparable. We could debate it for years, but tossing a coin would be just as effective.
My advice, go for expense, warranty, back-up etc as your indicator.
Tom |
Posted On:2009-12-18 17:37:00
I've been looking at the specs and just by weight alone the Vibrogym domestic is coming in lighter then the Wave pro. Lloyd your comment pretty much confirmed what I was leaning towards. Thanks.
DebPalletier : Thank you for the additional avenues and information.
By the way Bodyshaker contact Martin Lodewijk got back to me asking for more info (ie. where to ship and such) so that he can give me a quote. He says I can buy the Bodyshaker Jr. from the factory directly. I'll see what the price will be. The additional costs like duty and shipping might make it unattractive but I'll see what he quotes.
What I'm wondering is what you guys think on how Bodyshaker Jr. compares to Wave Contour Plus. Looking at the specs alone Wave still looks better to me. Lloyd mentioned quality on the Bodyshaker and its recommended on this site so thats why I'm still debating between the two.
Thanks for putting up with me :)
PS. Lloyd thank you for coming up with the safety program. I'm sure you've heard that one many times over...
Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train |
Posted On:2009-12-18 16:14:02
The Wave Plus wins hands down on the quality, feel and support department over the Vibro-Gym domestic. Unfortunately Vibro-Gym only really threw the out the home unit to compete against Power Plate at the time. Both being kinda crap. While Wave spent considerable time and effort, not rushing, to get it right. So kudos to them.
The excellent Vibro-Gym Pros should be much more widespread, except the efforts of con-men like Kevin Yeaman disrupted their growth. On that note, make sure you do not deal with a guy called Dan Fivey. I heard he was sniffing around VG over there, after making a complete cock-up of things in N.Z. and OZ.
DebPelletier |
Posted On:2009-12-18 15:29:06
Hi again Tom.
I didnt mind the Wave in fact we refer business their way for those looking for home lineal machines. We use Vibrogym Pros in our studio and you cannot compare these to a home machine. We are not a Vibrogym dealer, just a user of their equipment. I havent had a chance to try a Vibrogym Domestic and just thought you may have an opportunity to get on one in your area to compare to the Wave.
We always recommend getting on as many machines as you can. You have to feel the difference for yourself and thru this groups recommendations and what is available in your area decide for yourself. I will say that the Wave has a reputation here for good service which is important especially to a home user.
Contact the companies directly and they will direct you where you can try out a machine. They both know us we own a studio called ReVibe in Alberta. Let me know how it goes.
Vibrogym Joyce Ann Farris 905.584.139
The Wave Giancarlo DiFeo 1-866-420-7546 ext: 401
Tom |
Posted On:2009-12-18 15:05:41
Hi DebPalletier,
Thanks for the information. I'm curious what you thought of the Wave Contour Plus? I've spoke with the company and they seem genuinely helpful. But I'm curious what you though of the machines potential. About the Vibrogym Domestic, sounds like you're suggesting that it could be "better" then Wave.
Unfortunately I never personally tried the Wave so even if there is a Vibrogym close to Ottawa I have no point of reference to compare. If there is one close by though and it would be possible to try it I'm all for it.Please let me know.
Lloyd .... any thoughts about Vibrogym Domestic v.s Wave Contour Plus?
DebPelletier |
Posted On:2009-12-18 13:51:18
I cant imagine anyone not loving you Lloyd...especially after seeing the facebook picture of you in that dress.
Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train |
Posted On:2009-12-18 13:28:31
Someone loves me !!!
Yes, and the instructions that come with it, ( link at the bottom of the poster )
DebPelletier |
Posted On:2009-12-18 10:13:49
Hi Tom and hi everyone.
Tom we are in Canada and want to back up Lloyd on the TZone. We run Pivotals in our studio and have found TZone has a real presence here in Alberta. They are therapy machines at best, even one of their local reps has commented that to me. I saw the article in the Ottawa CItizen and it was likely an Advetorial which is paid for by TZone, not an aticle written by the paper.
There is also Canadian Distributor for Vibrogym in Toronto. WE have tried the Wave Contour but havent had a chance to get on the Vibrogym Domestic to compare. She may have one in your area to try. We have Vibrogym Pros and would not compare to the home model. Lloyd would have a better idea of Vibrogyms commitment in Canada but we have found not much progress since we purchased our machines 2 years ago.
Many issue we came across were resolved by Lloyd and we LOVE him for all his guidance. I have been in touch with a studio in Barry that has some newer DKNs that you may get a litle cheaper if that is the avenue you go. I cant wait for Canada to be a little up to speed in the VT world but many strides have been made in the last 2 yrs. Hopefully the garbage will start being taken out and more quality machines and studios will begin to emerge.
Tom |
Posted On:2009-12-18 02:21:35
Just to make sure, you're referring to following exercises?
Thanks again.
Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train |
Posted On:2009-12-17 18:10:12
Protruding discs are a common problem, sticking to the safety program will stop any issues with vibration training. Anything outside that is risky in my opinion.
Tom |
Posted On:2009-12-17 13:17:38
Thanks for the info I'll read the articles. Interesting stuff. By the way Bodyshaker didn't get back to me yet so we'll see what they'll say but if I don't hear anything from them by next Mon I'm going with the Wave.
Also some bad news I was hoping you could comment on. My MRI came back and I have a protruding disk between L4-L5 and L5-S1. Can you comment on how safe it is to use the Wave with this condition. ANY information you can provide is greatly appreciated. I don't want to make things worse.
Thanks so much.
John |
Posted On:2009-12-17 07:27:26
There are several videos of API Performance Specialist Nick W. about vibration with Power Plate on YouTube under Core Performance and or Athletes Performance. I have tried to call Mark Verstegen and Ace about Lloyd and I being kicked off the old forum and have not had any luck. It would be interesting to see if people could ask questions or comment about Power Plate and the videos with Nick on YouTube. I am not trying to beat a dead horse here but these guys do not answer any questions and will even kick people like Lloyd and me off for trying to ask questions.
John Weatherly
Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train |
Posted On:2009-12-16 20:43:25
Not directly related to Vibration Training, but just too cool not to share.
Something to show to the next idiot who says they know everything about something.....
Just point the arrow somewhere and click, then click again ..... keep in mind there are about 100 billion Galaxies we can see and they each have between 10 million to 1 trillion stars in them each
Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train |
Posted On:2009-12-16 15:40:36
So you can see that the specs on paper mean very little in reality.
Now to the Body-Shaker . The company just has a good long term reputation in building steel machines, that have mass. Designed by an old fashioned thinking engineer, that in this industry means quality.So we like them.
Note: Lock-Legged on a Pivotal is acceptable at lower speeds, and seeing as their cheap units only have lower speeds no injuries should occur. It is just that is not a weight loss/workout pose. It is a Therapy pose. They key is you can do it for 10 mins without getting tired. So everyone knows its not a workout. I don't care how uneducated someone is, everyone knows what a workout feels like.
As for invincible companies, I smashed Power Plate over here, with spreading the truth. Their lawyers failed to save them. So every ethical person counts in the grand scheme of things.
Tom |
Posted On:2009-12-16 14:59:27
Lock-legged.. I just cringe when I think about the damage that that will do. I'm sure they will help the people with knee surgeries later... I promise you that I will pass all the facts that I understand to people that ask but its just a drop in the bucket. The reality is that many people just don't want to know. They only want to know when something goes wrong and they need someone to blame. You mentioned before about the guy that opened up the gym that you would be surprised (or to that effect) that he was not educated about the vibration training. In my experience I would not be surprised at all. The Ottawa Citizen article says that his mom used it and it worked for her so he decided to open up a gym. I hope he did his research. I would not bet on it (lock-legged and all).
I've always believed in personal integrity and professionalism. You should be able to look yourself in the mirror. Lately I've seen things that are just horrific. Its a shame that our society has come to this. the story would be too long tell for this forum :) Bottom line its about $$ and thats all that some people care about. And they got an army of lawyers behind them. Sometimes though even that can't be enough. You can't deny laws of physics.
Sorry about rambling on.
Take care.
Tom |
Posted On:2009-12-16 14:10:05
Hello PhilippaChurch,
I've been looking at the Bodyshaker before I posted the first message (since it is recommended by this web site) and it did not seem like there was a distributor in US/Canada but after you mention it I did send a message to them asking. We'll see what I get.
I'm assuming that Wave Contour Plus is inferior to Bodyshaker Jr? I know that Bodyshaker is recommended here but the specs look similar I guess there is a history and reputation of the company to consider. I will admit that I don't have all the background.
I'll see if I can get the Bodyshaker Jr. here. By the way if so can anyone provide reasons why they think its better then Wave Contour Plus. I'm not questioning your recommendation but just want to know technical reasons why you feel Bodyshaker is "better" at getting to my particular goals then Wave would be. Better workmanship? Asking since specs are similar.
Thanks so much.
Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train |
Posted On:2009-12-16 13:16:57
The particular studio you mean is one of the worst situations, they are actually just getting people to stand there, lock-legged for 10 mins and calling it Vibration Training. And yes it will be hard to fix all the problems these guys create, but that is also why it is so important for anyone, no matter who you are, to be vocal and very direct about the issue.
" That is not Vibration Training , they are Con-Artists "
PhilippaChurch |
Posted On:2009-12-16 08:42:50
Hi Tom
Its really frustrating when your country seems so behind in VT. We actually have the same in the UK very little knowledge that VT even exists and if so it is known as Powerplating. Grrrrr. Im guessing you cant get a Bodyshaker Jnr in Canada. They pack quite a punch for the money and size, but maybe not available out there. Shame about the Hypergravities as they are good machines when they work. However last thing you want is a machine that breaks and the company is thousands of miles away and not too happy to deal with the problems. Trust me, Ive been there.
Tom |
Posted On:2009-12-16 06:32:36
Thanks Lloyd,
It's pretty slimy what those guys are doing. You know here in Ottawa I can bet that not many people know about vibration training. And after this T-Zone.. well its hard to change first impressions. I know that you're out there trying to fix things.
Its a bit disappointing for me to have limited choices but such is life. Thanks for your advice I will go with the Wave Contour Plus.
Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train |
Posted On:2009-12-15 19:22:40
Those T-Zone studios are usually just a way to sell machines. Its a double wammy scam, they tell people "these are commercial quality machines, and you can have one at home for only $$$$ " And since people see them at the studio they think they must be, not realizing the studio replace the stock constantly to keep up appearances. When they have saturated the local market with them they will close up and move away.
Or the poor owner has been conned, but I do not see how someone could be that uneducated. One thing for sure though is cheap machines with massive limitations only hurt our industry in the long run.
Your decision...
The Wave does seem the better choice and unfortunately "upgrading" to a High Energy Lineal is purely semantic. The only one available to you is the HyperGravity and they are unreliable. So Wave it is.
Tom |
Posted On:2009-12-15 16:08:48
Ok. I've I think I found the gym that just opened up in Ottawa, here is a google cached link of Ottawa Citizen (local newspaper).
Looks like they are using
The machine is a pivotal machine so not what I'm looking for, but figured I would send the info your way anyways. I would not waste time with this, looks more like only possible therapy benefits.