Please read through the articles that cover your questions, or topic of conversation before posting, as understanding the basics give the community a better chance of helping you.Please Note: Most of the frequently asked questions we have had over the years have their own article already.
Enjoyed the article about the history of the industry that people need to know. Keep these types of articles coming.
John Weatherly
Posted On:2009-11-05 13:58:11
Thanks guys. That all makes sense and matches up to my experiences so far. I know I will be asking more questions in the future if facing any sales pitch.
Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train.Com
Posted On:2009-11-04 19:19:35
News release.....
CUHK Invents Vibration Platform to Improve Human Musculoskeletal System
I have sent the Universities PR department a letter asking to validate the "invention" part of the claim. It will be interesting to see if I receive an answer.
Please note: These are the systems I tested myself in 2004
(1) Magnetic coil ( sonic )
(2) Opposing magnets.
(3) Electric motor
And I am only one of the many that have been looking at advancing this technology for years.
Posted On:2009-11-04 05:32:47
Hi Ian. I would echo this. I had a studio with Hypergravities , the biggest retail models available, and most people did see good results, but probably started to plateau after a few months. Once we moved to VibraTrains our regular customers saw renewed increase in muscle growth and really noticed the difference in the machines effect.
Customers that could hold a 2 minute supersquat on a Hypergravity really struggled with even a minute on the Vibra Trains at first. We have also not reached any sense of a plateau as yet and cant see that happening.
Posted On:2009-11-03 19:16:08
I started with pivotal machines that gave limited results, people tended to plateau after 3 months. Then I went on to professional machines that gave mixed results. Some people done really well, where as some people saw no change?
Then we moved to the full commercial machines of Vibra-Train with no limitations, the results are great. I have clients that have used the professional model for two years and after a few sessions on the Vibra-Train are amazed at the change in their muscles.
I for one have not done weight training for over 14 months now and cannot believe the muscle composition change in only 4 weeks, my wife can’t keep her hands off me J.
Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train.Com
Posted On:2009-11-03 17:11:36
First off I would like to say the following statement is not my opinion, but is the result of Body Composition tests that have been done on different machines over the course of 5 years. I will admit I already had an opinion on the subject, but I was prepared to be wrong because I believed everything can be improved. So I would have taken failure as a challenge to build a better machine. I will also add that my first idea was to buy most of our studios stock from existing companies and only have one or two "no-limits" machines on the floor. Things did not work out that way.
I will split the differences into 2 groups....
(1) Body Composition changes.......
From day one I had all the top brands at my disposal. Not only the best in manufacturing but popularity ( which was not the same thing ). I had already noticed the lack of muscle gain and body fat % loss in tests prior to 2004, as Power Plates Product Manager I had access to everything and to say I was unimpressed is an understatement. I knew these machines could be improved but no-one seemed interested in that. So to cut a long story short I designed and built the machines myself and tested them alongside the others in a busy studio. Note: The standard safety program was followed by all customers.
This was the pattern...
The lighter machines ( plastic units ) recorded no changes at all on the BCA. But then people were only doing the static poses. If they were forced to actually do exercises on them we may have seen something. Also the machine in tests showed it was running 12hz lower than the display showed. This may also have limited the outcome.
The semi-heavy steel ( Pro ) machines gave mixed results, with some people recording ok results, and some none ( my own body did not change at all over 12 months ).
The tests machine did as I hoped and evened out the results stats. Some people still got results faster than others but everyone got results. Which I thought was important for "word of mouth" marketing I believed was the key to validating this mode of training and making it popular. One thing for sure was we had a queue for the tests machine and not the others, which motivated me to build more. The rests is history.
(2) For those who could not normally use the other machines......
There was a portion of the population that could not use existing models because they were either too heavy to hold a squat or had a disability / injury that made it unsafe or impossible to use a standard platform. The newer designs took that into account, so that gave those people a chance to see results. So I was able to add them to the success stats.
I am sure Mike Hair will jump in and give you his take on the different machines, as he has been an independent for 3 years and only recently obtained one of my units.
Di Heap
Posted On:2009-11-03 14:05:39
Ian, I am an Instructor working for Vibra-Train and before that a long-term customer so I can tell you of some Real-Life changes that people get using Vibra-Train brand machines.These changes are for everyone regardless of age, starting fitness level, or body type as long as the person puts in the effort to train regularly and works with the instructor to ensure they maintain perfect position during the program.
The Vibra-Train difference is Muscle-Build!Our customers get increased fitness, strength and conditioning, lose body fat (if that’s what their body needs as that self regulates somewhat), lose inches in measurements especially waist for women, better hormonal balance; again this is great for women, and more.Some of these benefits can be gained from using other brands of vibration machines (in vastly varying degrees depending on the quality of machine and program) BUT
Muscle-Build is the Vibra-Train difference.For women they build small, firm muscle that helps support their bones and, of course ,it looks great too.Guys build up; firstly they notice increased size in quad muscles from perfectly held squat positions then upper body strength and muscle build.They lose abdominal fat and cut up.
These results are visual but more importantly totally proven by B.C.A Machine (Body Composition Analyser, medical grade).I encourage customers do this test when they first start vibration training and then after three months so they see proven results printed out.
I’ve even had endurance athletes complain about what they consider to be too much muscle build, eg, obvious change in quads.We can work around this easily by training them on our regular force 2 machines and keeping them off the Sports level 5.
Where else do you hear guys complain that they are getting more muscle and more power than they want?
... my apologies if this post seems rather like an advert. Im telling of what I see on a daily basis. Other companies are welcome to tell of their machines, program, and results ...
Posted On:2009-11-02 18:31:51
To Lloyd, I have read most of your work but did not really understand it until I had felt a few machines. Even though I have not managed to try one of yours yet I can imagine how they feel. My question what is the real life difference in results you get, not just theory wise, in the different machine types.
Posted On:2009-10-31 10:08:57
Just checking that my reasoning as to why we dont do it holds up.
Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train.Com
Posted On:2009-10-31 10:03:34
That's what happens when a companies ( HyperGravity in this case ) sole source of information comes from copying others. Randomly using a Power Plate program in this instance not understanding weights were only introduced when the machines became too weak and flimsy to give a good workout by themselves. My top trainer stated, after spending a week with them, that they were "irresponsible and dangerous".
And we have discussed before what uneducated people do when faced with a situation they are unfamilar with, they resort to what they understand. And everyone understands weight training.
It would seem the U.K. studio in question has gone back on its word to keep things as safe as possible. I hope they do not stay in business long enough to really hurt someone and close like the ones that promoted that stuff here in N.Z.
Posted On:2009-10-31 06:19:59
One of our local studios has been using weights and dumbbells with customers whilst on their machines.These exercises include customers lying on their backs on the machines and lifting weights, doing squats and lunges holding weights and various others.One of our customers who tried it had a headache for 4 days, after lying on his back on the machine and lifting weights with his arms.
Inevitably though we are now getting the questions..." My friend lifts weights on the machines, will be able to?".We are saying to our customers that the our machines exert such a force on the body that weights are not necessary, they will tend to be added to boost a less powerful machine's performance.We would defy anyone to not be challenged to the point of total fatigue on our machines with no need for weights.(We have Vibra-Trains BTW)Also weights will throw the body out of perfect alignment which will add strain to knees, back and neck. Lying on one's back on the machine is most definitely a bad idea particularly when combined with weight lifting.
I just wondered whether people would agree or suggest times when using weights would be a good idea.
Posted On:2009-10-31 04:51:14
Thanks Lloyd. Once again your reasoning and experience make sense to me.
John Weatherly
Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train.Com
Posted On:2009-10-30 13:01:31
I personally think the Fq plays only a small part in the results, and only really changes the comfort level for the user. There are cut off points of course where anything too slow or too fast would become basically useless. But I think the overall construction and Required Force rating of the machine is far more important.
Think about this...
If a relatively light machine like a Vibro-Gym was moving at 40 hz and then taken up to 50 hz , the "inertia" of the platform would increase. I argued if you could add the inertia without the extra 10 Hz you would get a jump in performance and effectiveness. But because the mass of the plate is set, it skews the tests results showing that particular Fq is better. From my experience with different retail units this does make people get the wrong idea.
Eg... I used to run most of our Vibro-Gyms at 50hz , not because I liked that Fq , but because 40hz ( the only other upper option ) was too "light" . But people thought I did it because 40Hz was too slow. I since designed machines that run at 40 hz with High inertia readings, and the results are great.
Posted On:2009-10-30 04:44:46
A couple more studies in the Oct 23 JSCR on vibraiton. DaSilva et al. looked at rest periods with vibration protocols while Ronestad found 50Hz a better fq for increasing 1RM strength. Abstracts can be read at,, click on PubMed, and type in "vibration training" as search terms.
John Weatherly
Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train.Com
Posted On:2009-10-24 18:39:36
A note to all users. If you wish to use characters in your conversations, copy and paste from another writing program. The forum only supports the very basics because........ ( from my tech guy )
" The characters have been excluded from the forum as they are commonly used in scripting. It is intended as a defense against hackers, due to the very open nature of the forum. A bad hack could compromise the whole website "
And I think we all know this site is going to be attacked quite often the more popular it becomes, as it certainly will effect some unethical companies bottom line.
Posted On:2009-10-24 05:09:13
The JSCR study on the vibration bar is interesting like Lloyd mentioned about the fq. The vibrating db GalileoVibraflex have uses lower fq I believe.
Moras G, Rodríguez-Jiménez S, Tous-Fajardo J, Ranz D, Mujika I.
J Strength Cond Res. 2009 Oct 14.
PMID: 19834351
Without visuals it is hard to tell exactly what kind of "bar" they mean here but I suspect it is a bench press bar with a vibratory motor attached. There are a number of systems available which are nothing like I use, so I will not comment on that side of it, but the EMG activity is interesting.
" the highest EMGrms was elicited at 45Hzi. "
Again we see these higher Fq eliciting a response when some companies still preach that 27Hz is the "only" Fq to use. Even though more and more research proves otherwise.
Posted On:2009-10-17 06:29:28
Mike I here you, been tough keeping things going here as well but we are very passionate about what we do and take the training and supervision very seriously and it has paid off. It came down to our business plan and Lloyd has mentioned this as well. With a personal service business you had better take a serious look at time to profitability and know that it will take more than a few months to build loyalty and repeat business, we adjusted our plan from 2 to 3 years out although we may hit profitability a little sooner it still takes a decent period of time.
Brad, I would take Lloyd up on his offer. FYI we use Vibrogym Pros just like Mike had before he got VibraTrain and yes I am very envious..but with the safety program, supervision and a personal committment even Vibrogym Pros have done a very good job.
Posted On:2009-10-17 05:27:48
Several more studies having to do with vibration were in the Oct issue of JSCR. The abstracts can be read at, click on PubMed, and type in "vibration exercise" as search words.
John Weatherly
P.S. For some reason, I am not able to type in my last name to appear at the top on my post. This is why I typed it following my post.
Posted On:2009-10-16 14:44:16
So what happened to Brad?
Typical, comes on the site all rip, shit and bust accusing people of all sorts of things then just disappears again!
Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train.Com
Posted On:2009-10-14 22:51:22
Please note, this is not just about the below case.
The amount of industry stalkers we have, and had on the last site ( people who follow every move we make and read everything we release ) seemed to be quite high. But these self professed experts never offer help to anybody, or answer questions from the public, they only ever jump on to either sell something or try to defend themselves if they feel attacked in some way. We never hear from them otherwise. Of course they all deny following our work, but like magic they appear if ever mentioned.
I understand that when I write articles I open myself up for criticism, but its the "attack and run" ones I despise the most. They want answers, and they always get them, but will not man up and answer a few themselves. It must be so easy to sit on your ass and do nothing while criticizing others . Now I do not mind being questioned by my peers, but those looking from the outside in, releasing no material themselves to be judged on, do not deserve any respect and I will expose them every chance I get.
Note.... I do not expect everybody to design machines, programs and have their own chain. But dedication to the industry costs nothing and shows me allot.
Mike Hair
Posted On:2009-10-14 21:45:55
Looks like brad will take another six months b4 he responds......
Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train.Com
Posted On:2009-10-14 16:25:12
And I am sorry Brad, but setting up only a few blocks away from the busiest Vibra-Train studio in N.Z. was not a smart idea.
My opinion is the last owners only make their living off riding on the coat strings of exercise fads and they wanted to replicate that in my industry, and indeed setting up in the area of an already marketed to population seemed the easy option, but setting up so close meant you were only ever going to get the customers that did not like our system.
Not even Power Plates head office could stand up to the competition when they decided to set up too close to me, and that was with massive T.V. advertising.
If you had been down in Howick you would have stood a chance. I know it was not your fault and my opinion is you were sold a lemon. You are obviously still interested in the industry, so my invitation to come in clear the air and see what we really do is still there.
Di Heap
Posted On:2009-10-14 11:13:17
If you are upset about past events you can pick up a phone and discuss this or come into Vibra-Train’s City Studio and talk with Lloyd.You were not singled out in any way but you seem to have taken on all the listed statements.
Come in and have a session on the machines.Watch customers and observe if they are left alone after 3 visits.It doesn’t happen.All training is supervised.You could say I’ve developed “eyes in the back of my head” but, as well as visual cues, the machines make distinct sounds that alert me to a customer being out of position.Perhaps it’s just a Vibra-Train phenomena but I hear the vibration sound change.When I was a regular customer I would think Lloyd was ignoring me until he yelled across the room his “Get down lower” or other strongly worded instruction and I never knew how he did it; now I know!Visit Botany or any other studio and then comment on what degree of supervision you see and are given.
If you were told of possible problems long ago your integrity should have led you to call Lloyd and let him know.
My opinion: If your customers followed you to Peak Pilates only and stopped vibration training they have missed out on strength and fitness gains and you were negligent in not telling them to continue with vibration or another form of resistance work.
Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train.Com
Posted On:2009-10-13 23:01:38
A couple of points I will go over below, but it must be noted that I was referring to the industry in general and the pattern of behavior I have witnessed in my articles, I seldom ever only talk about one case. So stop being so precious.
Your case and my opinion ........
(a) I did and still do consider what you guys taught was unsafe. Your being involved in sports and Physio work gave you ZERO understanding of Vibration Training. And it is deliberately misleading the public to say otherwise and it still disgusts me when I hear that. I studied this exact science for 2 years before I physically got involved, not something else. And I stand by my design success, and volume of work I have produced over the years, that I think people can use that to judge if I am an expert or not. Not just calling myself one through shameless self promotion.
If you wish to point me in the direction of your work I will gladly give you my opinion of it.
My safety program you did not agree with has remained unchanged and it is used globally very successfully since 2004. On all age groups. Even lots of Vibro-Gym , HyperGravity and Power Plate studios follow my program word for word now. So if you were right, how is that possible ?
(b) Not a single person you were involved with is still in the industry. So they must have been real passionate about this technology, NOT.
(c) I was just down at a studio only 1km away from me the other week ( SlimmersEdge ) trying to help fix the owners machines, for free. Call and ask if you wish. I have recently had meetings with Vibex, Purely-Body and other such companies about joint marketing. I have been willing and have helped my open and honest competition since I started. I stand by my record.
If you wanted to come in and publically dis-associate yourself from others you associated with before, then you knew were I was. Everybody knew exactly how I operated so keeping quite did you zero favors. Even though you were only 20 you must have understood the concept of goodwill and badwill. Because I am quite sure you were happy to take over existing customers and the goodwill when you took over the business. Well you also took over some badwill that should have been taken care of by you. Not by me. You admitted in the past you did not agree with the way things had been done earlier , you could have come and shaken my hand and told me that..
(d) I suspect you are exaggerating about the local Vibra-Train studio leaving you to your own devices as a general rule. Staff have been fired for this and you know it. The owners even asked you to contact them about it and you did not. I suspect you only repeated that for marketing purposes.
Proof: If anyone here wants to pop into the Botany studio and tests the staff, be my guest. It is still there following the same rules and regulations and you will find Brads statement is incorrect to put it politely.
(e) I do not have to attack so many companies anymore in N.Z. because we have cleaned it up pretty well. Most of the pretenders are gone or disabled and only the dedicated are left. My focus is global now.
Last word....
I took on the biggest companies in this industry and beat them with Kiwi built machines, ones they said would never work , with a program they put down. ( Remember Kyle Jack-Midgley and Dan Fivey ? ) Just because you guys couldn't understand my work does not mean it was wrong.
You have an opinion, I have a reputation.
Mike Hair
Posted On:2009-10-13 21:52:36
Is it true that all the studios that were associated with your successful business friends are now closed? I have used vibrogyms for the last 3 and a half years with Vibra-trains safety program and have found them very successful.
Is it also true that your so called business associates are all no longer involved in the industry? I have been through many ups and downs in this industry, but due to PASSION i am still here and so is Lloyd. Where are they???
Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train.Com
Posted On:2009-10-13 21:11:42
Why I have no respect for you.
You talked down my "simplistic" program and once said I did not utilize the capacity of my machines. You suggested you were more qualified or smarter, and that is why I could not work out how to use them as well as you could. You did this on the last forum for everybody to see. Not only showing your arrogance and lack of respect but an inability to understand why I place restrictions around my machines I designed.
If you want to apologize then my opinion of you might change.
Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train.Com
Posted On:2009-10-13 19:26:15
P.S. If you have problems with the forum ( sometimes happens ) type up your message in email and copy/paste.