Questions and discussion forum

Please read through the articles that cover your questions, or topic of conversation before posting, as understanding the basics give the community a better chance of helping you.Please Note: Most of the frequently asked questions we have had over the years have their own article already.

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Lloyd Shaw Posted On:2009-09-12 09:52:17


Like any form of exercise, it can sometimes irritate old injuries, just like running, doing weights or even Physio etc.... But you also need to make sure you follow good advice, starting with the safety program. But seeing as you have gone looking for advice "after" you used a machine, it was a bit late to help you. I can not speak for other systems, but we have not had one ACC claim in the 5 years of operation, IN THE WHOLE COUNTRY.  With about a quarter of our customers ( in my studio at least ) being elderly or having quite severe previous injuries, that would prove beyond a doubt to any reasonable person, this form of training is safe if done properly.


None of these guys will come on and name a place, machine or give specifics, it was an ambush because I called their "professor" mate a fake. We have all seen it before, its predictable and they all say exactly the same thing and the attacks follow the same pattern. Funny as hell for those of us who have been doing this a while. It just gives us a chance to show the world how feeble their arguments are.  

John Weatherly Posted On:2009-09-12 04:27:12

Dave and Booge,

Have you guys read even the abstract of a study by Ness et al. out of the U of Miami (Gait Posture. July 31,2009) that showed improved walking ability in patients with incomplete spinal cord injuries after a month of three times a week vibration treatments?  This pilot study involved the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, the medical school at the U of Miami, and the department of bioengineering at the U of Miami.  It's available at, click on PubMed, and type in vibration training or vibration exercise as search terms. 

To me, something that may benefit people being able to walk, is not "garbage."  The U of Miami and The Project to Cure Paralysis must not think vibration is garbage. 

Philippa Church Posted On:2009-09-12 02:52:20

Hi Peter

Sounds like you might have gone to a Dave and Boogie style studio - where on poor amchines witha dodgy programme you may well end up in pain.  Virtually all out customers ee a huge improvement with knee and back problems and the for the few who don't it certainly doesn't make it worse - maybe you could share with us where you went so other people can know not to go there .  Be inteested to see if you do.  I f you find somewhere who follows the Safety programme you should see an improvement. 

Thanks  judithlloyd           14



Peter Wills Posted On:2009-09-12 02:04:04

Actually Lloyd if you google "vibration training advice" like I are 3rd.... so search engines found you, not too many else but the search engines find everyone. I was searching for advice since I went to a session and my knee is killing me today and thinkin' this ain't for moi at all. Good luck!

Lloyd Shaw Posted On:2009-09-12 01:03:17


Within 20 mins of me sending this link to the pretend  "professor" we get attacked. And considering we are not showing up on search engines yet you add 1+1 together.

These guys are as fake as it gets. Typical of the kind of people who rely solely on other peoples inventions to get through life, with zero appreciation of how they get developed. Makes me sick.

Anyway on to more important points now we have a new site up.

Ok it been about 12 months now since we last listed the negative impact some marketing and safety practices or lack there of have on our industry. Some of them were only semantic arguments and only time would tell if we were wrong or right. So here is a list of 4 of the biggest issues we have discussed in the past 4 years,  lets see if we were spot on or just being drama queens...
(1)  Cheap copies ruining the market ...............
These include everything from supposed premium products with mass marketing like Power Plate to cheap $40 machines from China.
Verdict..............WE WERE SPOT ON.
The overwhelming feedback we get from consumers is these things are little more than toe ticklers made to look flash. Leaching off the potential of real Vibration Training units. This has damaged the market in a number of ways.
(a) Lots of disappointed people from athletes to beginners.  I have witness this myself with people unwilling to even try a real machines saying to my face  "  I have tried it and it did nothing" . I usually manage to get them to try 1 minute on a Training unit and they change their opinion really fast.  But we are only going to ever get to a fraction of those people. Some we have lost forever.
(b) Those unfortunate enough to buy one feel ripped of, and they hold it against all of us.  As we are still seen as one industry. This is made even worse by companies telling people all machines are the same, only the price is different.  This has also though come back and bitten the worse perpetrators. Eg.. Power Plate figures have dropped due to people buying cheaper copies of their unit. Their own advertising of saying " it's all the same" only worked for them when they were selling the cheapest unit in the market. Now they are mid-priced it works against them. If they had defined the different levels of Vibration Training/Therapy from day one and categorized themselves honestly they would not be in that situation.
Note;  And no I do not believe the money they spend on marketing and hence consumer awareness cancels out the damage they do. Only a marketer would think that.
(2)  Incorrect Fq were going to hurt people..........
Verdict .......... WE WERE WRONG   .( to date anyway )
Both Lineal and Pivotal seem to have "gray areas"  were the body seems to work slightly out of time with the Fq used. We have yet to all agree with the exact fqs that cause chaos with our equilibrium and some were said to match our natural resonance of certain internal organs, it was discussed and I for one told people to avoid these Fq   5hz -- 30hz  on Lineal machines.  Thinking it would be better to be safe than sorry.  I worked off ISO regulations from Armed Forces tests from 3 countries , but seeing as we are not driving a tank or operating a machine gun during our Vibration Training session , no civilian casualties have been reported. I do get the odd blond getting confused about the program but I think that might be caused by something else.   
 Power Plate went further than me and told people their eyeballs would blow up if they got on an un-calibrated machine. and theirs by coincidence was the only safe unit in the world,  which was extremely funny considering their own track record , but a scary tactics it was. I hurt myself laughing.
 But the fact is that after 5 years of people getting on machines with various Fq that are all over the place no one has even gotten sick from using these " in between resonance Fq "  In Asia they do the opposite from us and recommend those Fq because they say it "stimulates" your body.
The reality......... is the worst reports we get is people getting dizzy for a while afterwards or generally feeling very uncomfortable. Not exactly news worthy even though this is enough for people not to want to try it again. So it will do your business damage by scaring people off but at least you did not hurt anybody.
(3)  Un-calibrated cheap machines being used in tests......
Verdict....   WE WERE SPOT ON
Our objection and prediction of this is so well documented it is undeniable to everyone in our industry.  This was our prediction in this order.
(a)  Cheap machines "gifted" to academics as a short term marketing ploy. Just so companies can say " our unit is being used in tests" at so-and-so University by Dr so-and-so .
(b)  About halfway through the tests the academics would figure out something is wrong/missing , as most of them are basically plagiarizing tests already done overseas ( done on real machines ) so already predicted the outcome.
(c) The self centered and grant hungry academics would do nothing to warn the consumer ( because that's not their job apparently )
(d) Countless reports releasing details of their failure to prove anything. 
We had Academics coming on this site and emailing me to say we were wrong , but what have we witnesses, cover up after cover up.  We are now getting our critics using these " doomed to fail " tests against us.
 Cheap copies being used in serious research was always going to hurt the industry in a very deep and long term way. It is almost the ultimate sin against our industry , and only done by parties who do not care if it ruins Vibration Trainings potential to help people. They are marketers or researchers who will just go do something else after the damage is done.
(4)  General overuse will cause hyperthyroidism and other hormonal disorders .....
Verdict...........  WE WERE WRONG
It would suggest now the potential is still there as we have seen cases of over exposure in some very obsessed individuals. But it would seem the body has built in mechanisms to stop this from happening to most of us, namely you just get really tired and cant be bothered doing a session. During my initial tests with a group of trainers no one made it past 10 days straight on the safety program before they found it too hard to get out of bed or got symptoms like the flu.
Now this should not be taken as a reason to not set limits and stick to them, as we are still dealing with a massive amount of stimulation and a powerful tool that should not be abused ,  but it seems you can do a few days in a row and you will not blow up like a balloon with fluid and turn into the opposite sex.


Philippa Church Posted On:2009-09-12 00:10:16

Dave and Boogie

Have you ever tried a high energy lineal platform?  I know without asking that the answer is undoubtedly a resounding 'No'.  If you had there is no way you would doubt the ability of Vibration Training to fatigue the muscles and thus create muscle growth.  I am wondering how your alleged 'evidence' can explain away  how we have a Britain strong man, a triathlete, a black belt kickboxer to name but a few dripping with sweat and walking home with jelly legs having done a 15 minute session with us.  Maybe you could also account for the numerous women who have dropped 2 dress sizes after a few months having done no other form of exercise or  changing their diet?

You are right in that the industry suffers from little hard evidence but I do find it astounding that the people who see to wish to throw stones at what we do have NEVER actually tried it properly.  Without doing so you are talking from total ignorance - at least have the integrity and the guts to actually try the thing you are claiming to know so much about (in a proper studio with decent machines) and then you might actually be worth listening to. 

Lloyd Posted On:2009-09-11 21:29:38
Hey guys , could you please follow this advice before making comments, it's no fun repeating yourself and a few of your comments suggest you have failed to make the effort asked of you......
Please read through the articles that cover your questions, or topic of conversation before posting, as understanding the basics give the community a better chance of helping you. Please Note: Most of the frequently asked questions we have had over the years have their own article already.
Lloyd Posted On:2009-09-11 21:20:28

Some Lineal companies can only increase the force through higher Fqs and Amplitude. This is in my opinion unsafe for a majority of the population. 


Lloyd Shaw Posted On:2009-09-11 21:15:36

T.Langley, Reading ...


I agree with everything you just said. Except you are a bit confused on the Fq idea, it only plays a part in safety with Pivotal units. Its the force generated in Lineal thats the issue. Only marketers limit things to Fq or Amplitude as thats cheap to create.  

If you read the review section it might help you see through the marketing bull.

Lloyd Shaw Posted On:2009-09-11 21:06:10

Dave Paul..

A good point but an old one, I did the ISO 2631 safety limits in 2003. So your Dr mates are a bit behind the 8 ball.  In fact the safety program was developed around those recommendation. And they come well under workspace occupational exposure.

Note: I was the first industry person to bring it up and show concern for unrestricted use of these machine, and incorrect postures. Other industry people told me to shut up about it.  

So far , just like your study suggests it is ok to mention concern and recommend further study, that is an academics job. But so far not one study has actually shown damage and a decades commercial use on a large population, some with medical issues, would suggest even I was too cautious.  

Important note: Every position and method done on that study is banned by most responsible companies Eg  Dynamic and lock legged poses. Just to be on the safe side. So to suggest we are being unsafe is kinda funny. I would suggest the study itself was unsafe and unethical and I would not have allowed it.  

T.Langley, Reading Posted On:2009-09-11 20:52:46

I agree with Dave in Chicago, we studied the machines for our chain of assisted living homes here in the U.K and ran across this study. We actually called Abercromby and discussed the benefit. The only reason we considered the machines was because my nephew was selling them as a sales rep. Not anymore though. The findings were that they can at lower Hz (cheaper machines) encourage bone density and blood flow but no other benefits. The higher Hz machines were to not even consider.

So we decided not to and invested in regular fitness machines with were easier to fix. Another downside to these things was the inability to get them properly serviced.

Dave Paul, in Chicago Posted On:2009-09-11 20:33:00

Certainly, research done by doctors and not personal trainers with websites.... sure here you go. We helped with the supply of the machines for this experiment.

Lloyd Shaw Posted On:2009-09-11 20:01:18


The fact you just got a masage belt and Vibration training mixed up, or you think a $200 Vibration Therapy machine from Asia is what we use, means you are an idiot with zero logic and knowledge.

And making up scaremongering bullshit like " it causes brain damage "  has all been said before,you are a bit slow on that one. Its all been proven wrong over time. But thanks for showing the readers their are still cavemen around and about willing to spread their "opinions".

Note: If you want to stand by your statements, put your real name up, not some cowardly made up name. Posted On:2009-09-11 19:31:26

Vibration training is garbage. It's like those straps that rubbed your belly in the 60's a passing fad. Don't fall for this garbage. I was in Taiwan and it costs about $200 to make one. The British journal of medicine has proof that it can cause ligament damage to the knees (duh) and even brain damage. You want to get fit? Cardio workouts, another (duh)

Lloyd Shaw Posted On:2009-09-11 19:24:31

Gotta love this review of the My3  ...

" Power Plate is by far the most recognized and popular vibration trainer on the market.   With quality components, aesthetically pleasing designs and major health club experience, their home models are solid performers. "

They are talking about the same company that had to move their factories out of China because the quality was so bad . Meanwhile telling the consumer they were built in Europe ?  THE worst reputation in the industry for just about every unethical thing you can think of.

They seem to actually give them points for putting all their money into its bullshit marketing and none into the product.  

Lloyd Shaw Posted On:2009-09-11 18:51:27

I recently read a "review" of Vibration Training products on this site... 

I was dismayed to see a so called "professor" not even bother to categorize machines, but instead promote the notion that all a Vibration Training platform has to do to qualify for purchase is to vibrate. Now I know someone so "educated" can not be that stupid, so I emailed D.McCormick - Founder of asking him why such the lazy attitude towards this technology and our industry, only to be accused of having ulterior motives for my complaint. One read of our review ( which I sent him ) and they would have seen how useless theirs was in protecting the consumer from the most common lies told . But no, its everyone else's fault.

But it gets better, how about this for an excuse for such a lack of useful information........ 

" However much like other product categories, there are certain features or technologies which have a propensity to exacerbate the confusion many consumers feel when considering products. Therefore, they are not directly addressed in the review and instead should be discussed during the sales process.
They do a so called review, without even touching on how a consumer can get ripped off, and say the consumer should just trust a salesperson at the point of sale. Even though he states they will probably try to confuse you, lie or omit the facts  ???

A "professor" who is clearly adverse to doing any homework. I will say again, these pretenders have no business even commenting on our industry and are in fact as dangerous to our industry as the marketers we fight against every day. 




Rachel Posted On:2009-09-09 08:05:44
Thanks Lloyd
Lloyd Shaw Posted On:2009-09-09 06:55:38
No they can not substitute for weight bearing side bars. You need to get a "walker" or another frame made up to do the job.
Rachel Posted On:2009-09-08 23:20:01
Thanks Lloyd No good for us then as the machines have handle bars at the front (if you are standing face towards the machine). I assuming these won't take any pressure off pose?
Lloyd Shaw Posted On:2009-09-08 20:21:41

Knee, hip replacements etc... are all ok to use with the machine unless they are damaged of course. But they can only do "assisted" poses for legs. That means they use side handle bars ( or some other side supports ) to take the "pressure" out of the pose. Note: The speed or amplitude has nothing to do with this. It is the entire body weight you do not want behind the pose.

Rachel Bishop Posted On:2009-09-08 19:10:15
Lloyd Please could you provide any guidance with individuals who have either a knee/hip replacement/operation. Both guys who are interested have mentioned Titanium. We have not taken on anyone with metal plates in hip / knee area but these 2 guys have been told vibration training is OK? Thanks Rachel Posted On:2009-09-05 12:16:38
Hi, I’m Di Heap. VibePlus is my registered trademark and website. Visit there to read short articles about Vibration Training, plus a little general exercise and nutrition info, more especially for women but guys just might learn something too.
Lloyd Shaw Posted On:2009-09-04 09:58:38

Well I would like to start out with a little industry news.......

A certain global retail company of Vibration platforms that has a culture of unethical behavior towards not only the consumer, but the industry itself, appears to be in real trouble. This community has been gunning for them and done everything in our power to effect it's downfall since 2004. That combined with short sighted business decisions has led to the following situation. It has been reported to me that................

(a) ALL their staff globally except 2 people have been "let go" for financial reasons..................

(b) They are rising prices 15% in the hopes of turning a profit..................

(c) The CEO has been told if the financial issues are not sorted in 4 months, the factory gets closed.................

If this is true, and it is the end of this company in its present form, It will signify the beginning of a new chapter for our industry, where we can finally get the real players a chance to shine instead of the marketing pretenders. There are also going to be allot of red faces from those who supported this company and their unethical, dishonest, "get a sale at ANY cost" ways.





Dan & Deb Pelletier Posted On:2009-09-04 09:33:53
Hi all. My Wife Deb and I (Dan) have been running a studio in Canada just North of Calgary, Alberta for a couple of years now. We had taken on quite a challenge with the studio and have developed a passion for what we do. We as well are very excited and proud to be involved in this industry and with the contributing members of this community who have proven to be extremely helpful and knowledgeable yet humble enough to admit learning is a constant for everyone as new studies & technology become available. "We strive to assist those we can and refer to those who can when we are unable."
Di Heap Posted On:2009-09-04 09:30:29
Hi, I’m Di Heap. On my first visit to Vibra-Train Lloyd Shaw enthused me with a passion for Vibration Training, not only for myself but for everyone. So from my journey as a first time customer to now being an Instructor working for Vibra-Train, I'm really excited about this industry. I have learnt a lot along the way and am able to give advice and answer questions, but I do not “suffer fools gladly” so will be very direct if I think it is necessary.
John Weatherly Posted On:2009-09-04 05:44:01

Hello. My name is John Weatherly. I am trained in sports/exercise science and have consulted/been involved with companies in the vibration industry. I look forward to open and honest discussions on this forum


On The Take With Power Plate? Part 1, by John Weatherly

Editor’s Note:  John T. Weatherly has helped with conditioning programs and research at the U.S. Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs. John is also a frequent commenter, and now contributor, on the Russells’ Blog. Today’s topic is vibration plates. These plates vibrate like a truck on a highway, supposedly making you fitter. See the video below. Weatherly exposes the unreliable studies that NSCA and others have published on vibration platforms.



On The Take With Power Plate?  Part 1

The idea of using a certain dose of vibration in therapy for various conditions has been around a long time. In 2003, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) published a review article by Cardinale and Bosco covering the use of vibration as an exercise modality (2).   Vibration is thought to work similar to plyometrics. For example see this video.

For detailed potential mechanisms see Cardinale and Bosco (2) or Donaldson and Ross (4). While vibration can be delivered to the body in various ways (i.e., superimposed on a pulley cable), the review by Drs. Cardinale and Bosco seemed to spur research and commercial interest in the use of vibration platforms or plates. This has been termed whole body vibration (WBV). Scores of WBV studies have been published since 2003. Additionally, WBV platforms are now found in commercial, athletic, rehabilitation, and even military settings (i.e., see But, what does this WBV research actually say?

To answer the above question, we need to understand there are different types and brands of WBV platforms (4,8). Some move side to side like a teeter-totter (i.e., Galileo), others vertically (i.e., Nemes or the original steel Power Plate), and are even advertised as being tri-planar now (i.e., newer and lighter weight Power Plate). The material the platforms are made of can vary considerably from steel (original Power Plate) to plastic. Regardless of the type or brand, WBV platforms move a certain distance up and down (amplitude) and at a certain frequency or speed. Amplitude is measured in millimeters (mm) while frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz) (8).

Vibration plate image via Castleton Chiropractic:

Vibration plate image via Castleton Chiropractic:

WBV Research

Imagine you were a researcher doing a study on a WBV platform. Your untrained subjects range in body weight from 110 to 300 lbs. You are going to train the subjects three times a week for 8 weeks on this WBV platform at a frequency of 40 Hz and 2 mm amplitude. The results of the WBV group will be compared to a sedentary control group at the end of the study. The manufacturer of the WBV platform you are using tells you the platform is accurate for a wide range of loads but you have not seen any independent testing of this particular brand and model of WBV platform in your review of the WBV literature. This seems odd to you as there is information on other devices used to track movements (i.e., 10). See “Validity and reliability of GPS for measuring instantaneous velocity during acceleration, deceleration, and constant motion.”

Are you, as a research scientist, going to do a pilot study and test the WBV platform yourself? Or, perhaps you could have independent engineering tests done on the platform to make sure it works as advertised for a wide range of loads? That would take a lot of time and possibly money to do this though. If you don’t do either of these and there’s no information in the scientific literature about this particular brand and model of platform, you really won’t know if all the subjects in your study are exercising on the WBV platform at a frequency of 40 Hz and amplitude of 2mm. Those WBV platform people sure seem nice. Heck, they may have given you the platform and funds to do the study in the first place. What are you, as a research scientist, going to do?

Reliability and Validity

Any university researcher knows what reliability and validity mean. Reliability, in our example, is the consistency of the WBV platform(s). Imagine stepping on your bathroom scale and weighing 200 lbs only to find out your weight on the same scale is 100 lbs the next day (not reliable!). Validity is simply measuring what we intend to measure. Whenever a device such as a WBV platform is used to collect data we need to be sure the WBV platform performs as it is supposed to so we are measuring what we want to measure. Otherwise, the data collection methods are erroneous and the data analyzed will be invalid.

Power Plate claims to have "redefined" fitness:

Power Plate claims to have “redefined” fitness:

Research Papers – The Methods Section

So, how do we know if WBV researchers did pilot studies themselves or had independent engineering tests done on the WBV platforms used in their studies? They should state this in the methods section of their peer reviewed journal articles. If other researchers have tested the exact same brand and model of platform and found it reliable and valid, that should be cited. Research papers have four main sections: introduction, methods, results, and discussion. If the methods section does not explain procedures clearly (such as testing WBV platforms under different loads), then the study can’t be replicated and confirmed by other researchers. The data is invalid if nobody tested the WBV platforms under various loads because nobody would know if the data obtained was reliable and valid (just trusting what the manufacturer said).

Studies on Power Plate’s Own Site

I downloaded and read the methods section for all 41 studies on Power Plate’s site. I didn’t see ANY that reported pilot testing or having independent engineering tests performed on the Power Plate WBV platforms used in their studies.

Out of the 41 studies on Power Plate’s own site, I found Roelants (8) et al. and Delecluse (3) et al. measured accelerations of the platform with an accelerometer. Interestingly, these two studies were published in 2004 and 2003. They appear to have been conducted on the older steel Power Plate platforms and not the plastic or light weight models Power Plate has marketed recently. See, “Amplitude is Everything.”

Lowell et al. stated the portable platform used in their study had a limited amplitude (5). Marin et al. reported measurements with a 70 kg load on the platform (6). This Marin et al.(6) study is the only one I found on Power Plate’s site that even mentioned a measurement with a load prior to doing a study. I wonder why Marin et al. (6) chose a 70 kg load instead of 100 kg or other heavier load?

One group of researchers (1, p.238) states:

“A key reason for inconsistencies in scientific data regarding the effects of WBV may be that protocols vary from study to study. Different frequencies and amplitudes have been applied to different populations with varying recovery periods. Each of these parameters has the potential to impart biological response to vibration training and, therefore, the effects of vibration training on strength and power performance.”

Ironically, Adams et al. (1) didn’t mention the platforms themselves. This is peculiar.

We're not sure what's going on here:

We’re not sure what’s going on here:

How bad has the WBV Research Been?

The WBV research has been so bad that the International Society of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions had to publish a paper in 2010 on how to conduct WBV studies. Rauch et al. (7, p.193) state:

“A scientific study can lead to scientific progress only if the resulting study report can be understood by others. This requires a common language and consistent use of well-defined terminology. It is also critical that the methodologies of the study is described accurately and with sufficient detail for others to replicate the study.”

It’s shocking to think of all the invalid studies that have contaminated the WBV literature. Here are actual quotes of Power Plate researcher David Bazett-Jones, provided by Vibra-Train’s Lloyd Shaw:

As far as having engineering reports done on the machines, I would argue that it is the ethical responsibility of the manufacturer to do the testing and report the results. The blame is not on the researchers but the manufacturers.

As far as my (Power Plate) study in 2005, we only measured the accelerations (which were different than the manufacturer’s claimed accelerations). This was done without an individual standing on the plate.

I also feel that there are some researchers (myself included) that would like to perform product testing so that consumers can be informed of the specs.

We are testing it loaded and unloaded. Believe it or not, you are not the only one who has wondered if the Power Plate, being made of a softer material than steel, affects the vibration characteristics.

I agree that all plates should be tested before (and while, to go above and beyond) they are being used for a research study…..I can only wish that I had thought of this prior to doing the study.

I am more concerned about the errors/limitations of my research than you are. This was years of planning, testing, and analyzing that I put into this project. I could not account for limitations in the study that I was not aware of at the time.

Where is the Peer Review Process?

Out of 41 studies on Power Plate’s own site, only one mentioned testing the platform under load (70 kg) and that was the only load tested (6). Are we to believe all these researchers and journal reviewers simply missed the elephant standing in the middle of the room? See this video by Lloyd Shaw.

These are supposed to be intelligent and highly trained researchers, right? The 41 studies on Power Plate’s own site represent several journals but the NSCA’s Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research (JSCR) is represented well. I counted 12 studies from JSCR out of the total of 41 studies.

This contamination of the literature has allowed marketers and salespeople to take advantage of the situation amidst all the confusion. For example see this video, contrasted with “Vibration Training: The Truth.”

I have had people on different continents (one a well-known researcher) tell me some Power Plate models lost specifications at 80-85 Kg loads and really bogged down at 100 Kg and above. The Australian Institute of Sport has also reported this in a pilot study (4).

Were all these studies just honest mistakes that slipped by? Or, could there be other more sinister factors involved? Power Plate is and has been a corporate partner with the NSCA and EXOS.

(Next check out Part 2 of John Weatherly’s On the Take With Power Plate?)

About the Author: John T. Weatherly has undergraduate and graduate degrees in exercise science. He was a research assistant to the former Head of Sports Physiology for the US Olympic Committee (USOC) and has helped with conditioning programs for athletes in Olympic sports as well as professional baseball, college football, and an NBA player. In the 90’s, John published and reviewed articles for the NSCA and was an NSCA media contact on the sport of baseball. He helped initiate the first study on a rotary inertia exercise device at the University of Southern California (USC) and has consulted with the exercise industry on various topics, including vibration.


1) Adams, JB, Edwards, D, Serviette, D et al. Optimal frequency, displacement, duration, and recovery patterns to maximize power output following acute whole body vibration. J Strength Cond Res (23) (1): 237-45, 2009.

2) Cardinale, M and C Bosco. The use of vibration as an exercise intervention. Exer. Sport Sci Rev (31) (1): 3-7, 2003.

3) Delecluse, C, Roelants, M, and SM Vershueren. Strength increase after whole body vibration compared with resistance training. Med Sci Sports Exerc. (35) (6):1033-1041, 2003.

4) Donaldson, C and A Ross. Whole body vibration – useful or useless for athletes. Power Point.

5) Lowell, R, Midgley, A., Barrett S, et al. Effects of different half-time strategies on second half soccer-specific speed, power, and dynamic strength. Scand J Med Sci Sports:1-9, 2011.

6) Marin, PJ, Herrero, AJ, Sainz, N et al. Effects of different magnitudes of whole body vibration on arm muscular performance. J Strength Cond Res (24) (9):2506-2511, 2010.

7) Rauch, F, Sievanen, H, Boonen, S, et al. Reporting whole-body vibration intervention studies: Recommendations of the International Society of Musculoskeletal and Neuronal Interactions. J Musculoskelet. Neuronal Interact (10) (3):193-198, 2010.

8) Roelants, M, Delecluse, C, and SM Vershueren. Whole body – vibration training increases knee -extension strength and speed of movement in older women. Journal of the American Geriatric Society (52):901-908, 2004.

9) Varley, M, Fairweather, I, and R Aughey. Validity and reliability of GPS for measuring instantaneous velocity during acceleration, deceleration, and constant motion. Journal of Sport Sciences (30) (2):121-127, 2012.



  1. davidbendory


    I would add: an intelligent researcher would not use sedentary nonathletes as a control group but rather a group doing the same movements under the same conditions on the same silly platforms but with the vibrator shut off. Comparing to a sedentary control group isn’t a control at all!

  2. lloydrshaw

    Extra notes: The Truth video. All this was discussed and agreed upon by Power Plate back in 2003 with the much smaller, but quite powerful original unit.

    It was then that we planned to build the machines you see in the video.

    Amplitude is Everything video…… This is why some platforms have 10 mm amplitudes but have produced the same results as those with 2mm. As opposed to 5 times the results this “theory” should have produced.

    In layperson terms, Power Plate was telling people if you move a 1 kg weight around a lot. That is the secret to training. Extra weight and control is not a factor to be considered. Yea right.

    Good background read for part one, but the collaboration in dishonesty between these parties to hide the truth and rip off at risk consumers , will hopefully be an eye opener for some. And one of the reasons to never trust the NSCA want to protect the public.

    We are talking a 100 million dollar con.

    Why we picking on Power Plate ? First company to release machines with fake specs. Fake programs. And hire academics to cover it up. ( hence its involvement with the NSCA )

    davidbendory You are right. But talking to some of these “academics” makes you really wonder if critical thinking is an alien idea to them.

    Important to note: You are not meant to move on the machines at all. As it is like trying to produce an eccentric contraction and concentric contraction at the same time. What you are reading about is the unfortunate results of academics doing cross training on the platforms with zero understandings of the basics.

    Aka….. VT was first meant to be a completely alternative form of strength and conditioning training similar to climbing .

    Eg…. Holding a position while the tree shakes. Then change position and repeat. Covering some basic compound exercise positions. Purely eccentric , purely anaerobic. It can build muscle, build bone , increase overall circulation through basic muscle pump . And it is very fatiguing ….. the larger machines were designed and are being used to help with morbid obesity and stop amputations.

    Because they are so powerful ( take over 300kg and lose zero function ) they are used by healthy people as an alternative workout. You also can not buy them retail because of concerns over misuse.
    It was NEVER meant to replace other disciplines. That is all marketing BS.

    Very Light Vibration and movement patterns were for Physios only.


















Philippa Church Posted On:2009-09-04 02:59:40
Hi, my name is Philippa Church and I have a studio in the UK about 30 miles North of London. I really enjoy working in the industry and love the fact that there is always something new to learn. I hope to be able to share my experiences, the mistakes and the successes and really look forward to more and more people finding out just how amazing vibration training can be.
Henrik S Posted On:2009-09-04 00:58:11
Hi all, my name is Henrik Sorensen (Denmark), I'm a customer who was cheated badly by a Dutch company 4 years ago and at this time still not have a vibration platform. The last year I had a lot of help and support from engaged people and specially Lloyd Shaw in getting my money back, thanks Lloyd (case still pending). I mostly read in the forum, and don't contribute much, hopefully that will change in the future when getting a device. If you have been cheated by a dealer I might have some advise to help.
Mike Hair Posted On:2009-09-03 22:28:15
Hi all, my name is Mike Hair, I have been involved in the vibration training industry for coming up 4 years now. My wife Tracy and I run our own studio in the lower half of the south Island of New Zealand. I am more excited about this industry today than I have ever been, . I have seen a lot of ups and downs over the last 4 years and believe we are on the verge of something big. I will answer any questions and help out where I can, but be prepared it will be the truth and sometimes it will be blunt and to the point. I have absolutely no time for lazy people and marketers of bad products.
Lloyd Shaw Vibra-Train.Com Posted On:2009-09-03 21:49:58

Hello all, I am Lloyd Shaw the International Product Manager for Vibra-Train Ltd. I will endeavor at all times to answer any questions regarding my industry in an unbiased fashion. I will also do allot of work to help protect the consumer and hopefully reading the articles on this site ( quite a few written by myself ) will help keep everybody honest and on their toes. Simply I hope this forum helps us create an industry we can all be proud of

" Do the right thing as often as you can, REGARDLESS of the consequences "  Lloyd Shaw

" "If you are not making enemies, you are not trying hard enough"  Lloyd Shaw.

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